So Much To See...

Question of the week: “What London event are you most looking forward to in the next four months?”

"A Hankering After Ghosts: Charles Dickens and the Supernatural

Everyone loves a good ghost story, and Dickens wrote one of the most famous! But he thought that ghostly phenomina, so popular in the Victorian period, had to have a rational explanation. The exhibition focuses on the ways Dickens used the supernatural in his works and exploring how they fit into the beliefs of his era. And it's Free at the British Library.

While you're at the British Library, check out the Royal Manuscripts exhibition as well - it's amazing, even if it isn't free..."- Kris

* Photo by Terence J Sullivan, used under Creative Commons, with thanks.

So Much To See...

Question of the week: “What London event are you most looking forward to in the next four months?”

"So many things! The current Saddlers Wells season is packed with dance productions I’m really excited about with a handful of my favourite dancers and companies coming through (20% off when you buy tickets to 2 shows helps), and I need to find time to head over to New Bond Street to catch the Dale Chihuly exhibition at the Halcyon Gallery.

Looking longer-term, I’m very taken with the idea of the Globe to Globe festival, which starts in April – all Shakespeare’s plays over six weeks, each in a different language from a company from different countries. I’m really tempted by the idea of watching a play I know in a language I don’t - Richard III in Mandarin Chinese or The Merchant of Venice in Hebrew, for example. The hip hop Othello is pretty tempting, as well.

[I’m a little conflicted about recommending this one, not least because the ticket price is eye-watering, but if you hadn’t heard, Warner Bros are selling tickets now for tours of the Harry Potter studios, which will open at the end of March]"- Miss Alice

* Photo by kelsey_lovefusionphoto's buddy icon kelsey_lovefusionphoto, used under Creative Commons, with thanks.

The Londoner

Question of the week: "What does it mean to be a Londoner?"

"A Londoner is an explorer. He is someone who loves to navigate the labyrinth of hidden, precious streets and revels at the discovery of an underrated gem, like a new pub, coffee hangout, or a spot with an unparalleled view. Being a Londoner is not so much a feeling, as it is a privilege, because at the end of the day, you have an extensive array of options at your doorstep and if you wish to explore, the search will prove to be unlimited."-Christina

* Photo by Scorpions and Centaurs, used under Creative Commons, with thanks.

The Londoner

Question of the week: “What does it mean to be a Londoner?”

"You don’t have to be *from* here to be a Londoner, but I do think you have to *engage* here, make London a big part of how you choose to spend your time. Take advantage of some of the wealth of opportunities and locations on offer, get to know your parts of the city until they’re comfortably familiar, become a regular somewhere, and figure out how to use the transport system so you can be helpful next time a tourist asks you for directions!"- Miss Alice

* Photo by maistora, used under Creative Commons, with thanks.

The Londoner

Question of the week: “What does it mean to be a Londoner?”

"I think being a Londoner is mostly a state of mind, or an attitude, rather than the number of days you've spent in the city. A true Londoner goes out into the various neighbourhoods and explores, and doesn't just go to the same old places. She (or he) walks down the street and looks around, taking in the wonderful buildings, people and atmosphere of the city, rather than just following the stream of pedestrian traffic or with her nose in a map. A Londoner understands the different communities that make up London, and loves living in such a diverse place, taking advantage of all of the advantages that diversity brings. A Londoner takes advantage of all of the Free Stuff that London can provide, and doesn't get sucked in to doing overpriced tourist activities. Londoners don't wait for things to be brought to them, they go out and make the effort to discover the city and everything it has to offer.

Londoners make their own fun!"- Kris

* Photo by Ramiro Sánchez-Crespo, used under Creative Commons, with thanks.

The Londoner

Question of the week: “What does it mean to be a Londoner?”

"I think being a Londoner involves some typically British veiled smugness, owing to the fact that Londoners are currently living in one of the greatest cities on the planet at a time when it's really at the top of its game. Brits and Londoners aren't typically patriotic in a very overt way, so that veiled smugness will really only show itself when you start criticising their city for whatever reason, or comparing it unfavourably to other places (especially Paris!)."-Jamie

* Photo by Faheem Patel, used under Creative Commons, with thanks.

LUP Staff on London

Question of the week: How does Hal, one of our administrators, describe London in one word?


* Photo by Martino's doodles, used under Creative Commons, with thanks.

LUP Staff on London

Question of the week: How does Christina, one of our administrators, describe London in one word?


* Photo by simpologist, used under Creative Commons, with thanks.

LUP Staff on London

Question of the week: How does Kris, one of our rectors, describe London in one word?


* Photo by untrained eye, used under Creative Commons, with thanks.

LUP Staff on London

Question of the week: How does Jamie, one of our rectors, describe London in one single word?


* Photo by lewishamdreamer, used under Creative Commons, with thanks.

LUP Staff on London

Question of the week: How does Miss Alice, our LUP Librarian, describe London in one single word?

"London in one word? Expansive – literally, and metaphorically."

* Photo by .craig, used under Creative Commons, with thanks.


Welcome to London! The blog will be up and running the first day of your classes next week, Monday 16 January. The questions will range from what to do, see, and eat in London to favourite places, most memorable moments, historical landmarks, and much, much more! The London Undergraduate Program staff will be answering these weekly questions, so please feel free to follow along, comment, and learn. We hope you will find our suggestions useful, and wish to make your London experience as diverse, educational, and exciting as possible. Stay tuned!

* Photo by Angelina Archer, used under Creative Commons, with thanks.