Free and close to the London Centre - Miss Alice

Question of the week: Can you recommend something free to do within about ten minutes walk of the London Centre?

"I can't pick just one, so here are two. They're practically side by side on John Adams Street, just off the Strand, near Charring Cross.

Proud Central is a commercial photography gallery, specialising in pop culture and rock and roll. Their exhibitions switch every two months or so. At the moment, it's photographs of London legends The Who, shot by internationally renowned photographer Colin Jones, and next month it switches over to an Elvis exhibition. It is a commercial space, but one that goes out of its way to be welcoming to everyone who comes by for a free look around their well-selected, well-curated exhibitions, so don't be intimidated!

A little further down the street is the RSA - the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce to give it it's full title. Amongst their many activities, they put on a rich program of free lectures and discussions - world class speakers, politicians, academics, business and social leaders from around the world, speaking on important and timely topics. They make audio, and often video, recordings available after the fact, but there's nothing like being in the room - or joining the speakers to continue the conversation over a drink afterwards."
- Miss Alice

* Photo by Robin Hamman, used under Creative Commons.

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