London walks - Miss Alice

Question of the week: Walk London's Winter Wanders weekend is coming up, which makes this a topical time to re-visit the question - is there a walking route in London that you'd recommend?"

"I'm usually one for recommending free things, like most of the guided walks taking place as part of this weekend's festival, and there's an almost infinite number of routes around the city I could point to that you can explore for free, but... To break with tradition: if you're looking for a walking guide once the festival's over, then it's London Walks, hands down, no question.

A guided tour might sound touristy, but - with the possible exception of the Jack the Ripper one - London Walks' walks are anything but. I do a few each year and I've never been the only Londoner in the group: the guides are excellent and very open to questions, the groups are usually friendly, and if you want another lens to help you see London differently and more deeply, this will be £8/£6 well spent.

Want to tie a guided walk into one of your classes (or get a taster of something that didn't fit your schedule?) - take a look at their Archaeology series, their London film walks, or one of a range of literary walks. If you're already getting bored of heading to the same pubs with the same people, why not try one of their pub walks, which are, as they say, an easy and natural way to meet people as well as to explore an area of the city in detail."- Miss Alice

* Photo by Crystian Cruz, used under Creative Commons, with thanks.

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