London museums - Miss Alice

Question of the week: Do you have a favourite museum to recommend?

"The V&A and the British Museum are my two favourite big museums, but there are so many fantastic small museums as well...

It's a tough pick, but if you have any interest in medical history, or life in the 19th century, consider a trip to the Old Operating Theatre and Herb Garret. It's pretty much what it says on the tin - just imagine the operating theatre being built into the roof of a church, and cram it full of interesting medical curiosities.

It's an interesting collection, but it really pays to either time your visit for one of their weekly tours, or, better yet, round up nine of your friends and arrange for a private tour - both times I've been part of a group, the guides were knowledgeable, friendly, and being able to discuss the displays with someone who knows and loves the collection made the whole thing so much richer.

(If medical history is your thing check out the Wellcome Collection, the Royal College of Surgeons, and, well, this whole list)."- Miss Alice

* Photo by n0wak, used under Creative Commons, with thanks.


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